Alternance - Strategy Office Support H/F H/F

Geodis Interservices

Réf. 749942 - publié le 2 juillet 2024

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Informations générales


Commerce, services - Commerce international


Bac +4


Geodis Interservices vous propose une offre d'alternance dans les domaines Commerce, services, Commerce international à Levallois-Perret.

GEODIS est un leader mondial du transport et de la logistique, reconnu pour son expertise sur l'ensemble de la supply chain. Partenaire de croissance de ses clients, GEODIS intervient sur cinq métiers : l'optimisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, le Freight Forwarding, la logistique contractuelle, la distribution & l'express et le transport routier. Avec un réseau mondial couvrant près de 170 pays et plus de 49 400 collaborateurs, GEODIS se classe au sixième rang mondial de son secteur. En 2022, GEODIS a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 13,7 milliards d'euros. GEODIS est une société du groupe SNCF.
Ce poste est également ouvert à toute personne reconnue travailleur handicapé

GEODIS, Lead Logistics Provider, owned by SNCF, is ranked as the number four logistics provider in Europe and number seven at a worldwide level. GEODIS is also listed as a "Leader" in Gartner's 2022 Magic Quadrant For 3rd Party Logistics, Worldwide. GEODIS' reach includes a direct presence in 60+ countries and a global network spanning over 160 countries.
With its five Lines of Business (Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport), GEODIS manages its customers' Supply Chains by providing end to end solutions enabled by over 44,400 employees, its infrastructure, its processes and systems. In 2021, GEODIS recorded €10,9 billion Revenue.

The Supply Chain sector is constantly evolving and facing new challenges. Our High-Tech clients need strong logistics partners to improve their SC and end customer experience.

Join us to be at the heart of Geodis strategy !

You will support the Strategy project officer regarding its different tasks and scopes of works and support the Strategy team regarding department communication and logistics topics.

Your main missions :

- Support the Strategy office and the CSO on Strategic Market and memos or presentations / outputs from those searches,
- Support coordination on transverse strategic initiatives regarding,
- Support Strategy Project Officer and Group CSO
- Support Group CSO and Group Strategy department for internal communication and intranet section
- Support Group CSO and Strategy Project Officer on logistics and organization needs for Strategic department or Strategic topics,
- As part of the Strategy Office, support Group CSO and Strategy Department as TA (Team Assistant)


Lets talk about you !

You are curretly in Master 1 ou 2 year(s)
You have a good proefficiency in English
You eventually have already some previous internship experiences

Interested in joining in for an adventurous journey ! Send us your applications ASAP ! !


Nom du recruteur : Geodis Interservices

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