"Cet été, j'ai eu envie d'écrire un roman !" Ces jeunes diplômés n'ont pas oublié leur rêve : devenir écrivain
- 1 min
- Publié le 30 déc. 2025
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Réf. 1194177 - publié le 26 décembre 2024
Commerce, vente, distribution - Achats - Commerce international - Distribution - Merchandising - E-commerce - Management et strat commerciale - Marketing - Technico-commercial - Vente, négociation, relation clientèle
Bac +3
48 Rue René Clair
Wecasa vous propose une offre de stage dans les domaines Commerce, vente, distribution, Achats, Commerce international, Distribution - Merchandising, E-commerce,... à Paris.
Descriptif du posteThe Supply Expansion team aims at making the Wecasa experience indispensable for our professionals and therefore exceptional for our customers!Our partners must be pampered so that they in turn pamper our customers: it is a virtuous, positive and benevolent circle to which you will actively contribute as a Business Developer!A few words on you future team:The Supply Expansion is managed by Michel and divided into 3 BUs :
Business Development France
Business Development UK
Business Operations
You’ll join the BU Business Development UK, managed by Michèle. Depending on internal needs, you may join the FR team at a later stage. That’s why we are looking for a candidate who speaks both French and English fluently.The objective of the team is to keep expanding the network of independent workers for our home cleaning business.Thanks to your contribution, Wecasa will increase its area coverage beyound London and Birmingham. You’ll share Wecasa’s magic to home cleaners coming from a wide variety of professional and personal backgrounds. You’ll contribute to building the pro network based on values as strong as trust, kindness and willingness to succeed.Your missions should you wish to accept them
Call back leads generated by our acquisition team to reach out to home cleaning professionals
Qualify candidates over the phone or on visio call to identify those with highest potential
Convince on Wecasa’s value proposition vs competitors (a free-of-charge partnership with real freedom to work)
Ensure partners’ share our values and meet our quality standards
Carry out all administrative checks necessary (right to work, DBS / Police record)
Follow up with pros a few weeks after validation to ensure proper start of the partnership
Team rituals :
Weekly meetings with the team to share on progresses and be updated on burning issues
Weekly 1-1 with your manager
Half-day sales training sessions every month to deepen your knowledge and improve your skillset
Profil recherché
You are looking for a 4-6 months internship starting in Septembre/October in Paris
You must speak both english and french fluently
You have a first experience or have a real interest in Business development
You are autonomous and have very good interpersonal skills
You are not afraid to pick up the phone
You don’t like spelling mistakes
You are open-minded and eager to learn
What’s on offer (in French as the role is based in Paris):
Une gratification de 1200 euros par mois pour les stagiaires
La possibilités de cumuler 1 jour de congé payé par mois (pour les stages d’une durée minimum de 3 mois)
La possibilité de faire du télétravail 1 à 2 jours par semaine
Tes déjeuners subventionnés avec une carte restaurant (9€ par jour, 50% pris en charge par Wecasa)
Titre de transport (Navigo) pris en charge à 50% par Wecasa
Un accompagnement vers une belle montée en compétences et la prise en mains d’outils CRM
Des prestations de ménage, massage, coiffure, coaching sportif, etc… offertes pour toi tous les mois
Un environnement international pour travailler ton plus bel accent anglais
Des événements tous les mois
Chez Wecasa, nous sommes convaincus que la diversité et l’inclusion sont de vraies force pour l’entreprise. Nos offres sont bien évidemment ouvertes à toutes et à tous, nous vous encourageons à y postuler !Déroulement des entretiens
First interview with our Talent Acquisition Manager
Interview with Michèle, your future manager - followed by a 15-minute case study. (at our Paris office)
Interview with Michel (Head of Supply Expansion)
Profile descriptino
Nom du recruteur : Yasmine El Ouardi
Proposé par Blank
Proposé par L’observatoire des métiers de la Jardinerie