Augmentation du Smic (et du salaire des alternants) de 2% le 1er novembre 2024
- 1 min
- Publié le 31 oct. 2024
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Réf. 1009388 - publié le 22 octobre 2024
Sciences, technologies - Agroalimentaire - Bâtiment, travaux publics, génie civil - Design industriel - Electronique, électrotechnique - Energétique, thermique, hydraulique - Génie biologique et médical - Géologie, cosmologie, biologie - Hygiène et sécurité - Industries chimiques et pharmaceutiques - Ingénieur généraliste - Matériaux - Mathématiques, statistiques - Mécanique, génie mécanique - Métrologie, contrôle, instrumentation - Organisation et gestion de production - Physique, chimie - Procédés industriels - Sciences et technologies
Bac +5
TIDAV vous propose une offre de stage dans les domaines Sciences, technologies, Agroalimentaire, Bâtiment, travaux publics, génie civil, Design industriel,... à Toulouse.
TIDAV is a pioneering startup that develops an innovative aircraft-style drone capable of vertical take-off and landing. Unlike conventional designs that merely resist wind, TIDAV's drone harnesses wind to improve flight quality. This advanced approach enables the drone to meet the diverse needs of the industry across various sectors, including offshore wind turbines, pollutant gas detection, and maritime inspection tasks.
TIDAV seeks an intern to finalize the dynamic modeling of their state-of-the-art T-H3 drone. This project is focused on optimizing the drone's flight controls for enhanced energy efficiency in strong wind conditions, ensuring rapid, efficient, and stable capabilities for a wide range of inspection activities. By joining TIDAV, the intern will contribute to revolutionizing drone technology for environmental monitoring and infrastructure inspection, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in drone-assisted operations. The intern will gain hands-on experience in dynamic modeling, aerodynamics, and the application of programming skills to solve real-world engineering challenges.
The primary goal is to complete and validate the flight dynamics model (coded using Python) of our TH3 hybrid drone, focusing initially on hover and forward flight modes, and importantly, on the transition mode between these states. The project aims to:
Complete and validate hover and forward flight modes using data collected during experimental campaigns;
Ensure a smooth transition between these two modes;
Predict flight behavior under various weather conditions and for different missions;
Optimize flight controls to minimize energy consumption in strong wind conditions;
Utilize data from previous prototype flights for model verification, particularly in strong wind conditions.
Required skills:
Currently pursuing an MSc degree or equivalent in aeronautical engineering schools;
Proficiency in programming, preferably Python;
Experience in dynamic modeling of complex systems;
Knowledge of aerodynamics and flight dynamics, with helicopter dynamics as a plus.
Human Skills:
Strong team collaboration capabilities;
Effective listening and communication skills;
French (B2), English (B1).
If you are interested in this role and are at the end of a 5-year degree course, please send your CV and covering letter in English or French to:
Nom du recruteur : vivien jourdon